political statement is not my style - as far as my art goes. but i'm afraid things are out of control now... i've lived through Hippies, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, moronic Drug Wars, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Flight 007, and the end of the Cold War - but this is serious: the United States is about to take action against the consensus of the free world... what is the definition of terrorism, again? are we inviting WW III? possibly.
our government officials want you scared! homeland insecurity: a resignation that terror will happen here again - anywhere at anytime... they say there's nothing they can do about it. your job: run scared and allow all branches of the Govt. to do anything they want. now there's power!
gauche and pastel on white paper, sealed. dimensions are 4" x 5" the signature is in gold letters, just as gilt-edged greed will leave its signature on the ravages of what may come from ill-conceived policies.
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political statement is not my style - as far as my art goes. but i'm afraid things are out of control now... i've lived through Hippies, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, moronic Drug Wars, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Flight 007, and the end of the Cold War - but this is serious: the United States is about to take action against the consensus of the free world... what is the definition of terrorism, again? are we inviting WW III? possibly.
my art, in the near future, might be done on a cave wall for some far-flung generation to evaluate. to prepare for this change in materials i decided to make this on a scrap piece of cardboard.
write your elected officials and express your views... do we, or we do not, live in a democracy? make your voice heard - peacefully.
acrylic on cardboard, sealed. dimensions are nominal 4.25" x 9.5"
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Buddhist Fashion Show, with Monks modeling new robes for Fall.
ink and PrismaColors on white paper. dimensions are 5.25" x 5.25"
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even been on vacation visiting foreign gods who are having a bad day? apparently Buddha was just having some fun with these visitors but ruined this vacation picture all the same - was it because he knew they weren't Buddhist? what would Jesus do? what would Judas do? have you any pictures like this? maybe with the Virgin Mary, or one of the Saints, clowning around? i'd love to see them!
acrylic on canvas board. dimensions are 8" x 10"
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various media on heavy cardboard. dimensions are 4 1/2" x 4 7/8"
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inspired by one fleeting vision during meditation.
acrylic on stretched canvas, dimensions are 20" x 16"
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Ouch! what more can i say? this would make a great cubicle-warming gift, or the perfect executive desk toy... you decide. and speaking of decisions, you can use this to make decisions... yes/no or mulit part - an instant wheel of fortune!
spin the wheel... our employee remains stationary, but perceives progress. art imitating life? pity the poor cube-dweller.
plastic employee suspended in a Hamster Wheel. wheel diameter is 7" Dental benefits not included.
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98..99..100..ready or not, here i come!
ever wonder why the bible is silent about the disciples playing hide-n-go seek with Jesus after the resurrection? were it not for his Dad, accusations of cheating might have been flying. does this also provide some insight into his inability to hold onto money? maybe... "Render unto Caesar"? nice try, Lord - YER BUSTED, Dude!
this antique plaque of the praying hands was originally imported from Germany. i've completely disassembled it, cleaned and re-painted all the parts (before adding the eye). it has been completely restored, and has never looked SO good!
antique plaque. dimensions are 5" x 7.5"
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history tells us there were at least three major messianic figures in Palestine at the time of Christ. the Holy Land was packed with 'em, hence "Tin of Salvation". since Christianity has been packaged for mass consumption this seems the next logical step - this or Christ Crackers... either way his broken body would be the central figure.
Flavius Josephus was a historian who lived during the Greco-Roman period. he saw the development of the religious schools of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes, and the various messianic figures mentioned above. after being taken hostage by the Romans in the Jewish revolt of 66-70 A.D., Josephus spent the rest of his life in Rome, and served as advisor (and historian) to several emperors.
for some (easy2read) information about the writing of Josephus involving Jesus click here
broken (custom casting, dental cement) crucifix figures in tin can. dimensions are nominal 2.5" x 4" can be hung or displayed on a flat surface.
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since Christianity has been packaged for mass consumption i decided INRI Industries needed to launch a new brand of cigarettes - Holy Smokes!
what's the story with the yellow one? is that a roll-your-own? a sure sign of "experimentation" with alternative religions or some "Holy Rollers"! you've been to a Lutheran service, haven't you? don't lie to me! i can smell the communion crackers on your breath! confess! and look what you're doing to your poor mother - worrying and waiting for you to come home on Sunday mornings!
the good people at Nat Sherman (click here for information) have no idea i'm recycling their goods. no connection exists between this auction and the Nat Sherman company, although i *have* enjoyed many of their fine products in the distant past.
no express or implied warranty, not intended for any particular use, unfit for human consumption, laboratory testing indicates a small percentage of rats who use this product daily may develop lung Catholicism, even occasional use may result in extended purgatory.
four white and one yellow laboratory plaster custom castings of Mary, mother of James (i mention him because the other kids are usually overshadowed) mounted inside a recycled Nat Sherman Queen size filtered cigarette box. dimensions 4.5" x 3"
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struck by the possibility of America's serial killer de Jour leaving the Police a Tarot card with a message on it, this painting bubbled out.
this is the first large-scale painting i'd offered on eBay. many of the paintings on my homepage are fairly large, this one being only 26" x 30"
the symbolic nature of the various visual elements is clear: darkness looms nearby, hanging over a Capitol Rotunda on a hill (our nation's Capitol Hill). a darkly armored skeletal figure riding an off-white charger is a classic visual element within the Tarot Death card. he waives an AR-15 (.223 caliber) assault rifle, which replaces the heraldic standard in a typical Death card. the red flag, which waives from the barrel of his weapon, represents his "message" of anarchy, death and destruction: he is God.
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no express or implied warranty, not intended for any particular use, unfit for human consumption, daily use may result in extended purgatory.
white laboratory plaster custom casting of Jesus mounted on a display stand. dimensions 3" tall.
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we've all heard others talk about "Jesus Tap Dancin' Christ", but have you ever SEEN his tap dancin' shoes? INRI Industries is proud to present this pair. each shoe bears a photo of Our Founder (one of his candle poses) and two St. Christopher medals for taps. who else would you trust for your traveling and dancing needs?
no express or implied warranty, not intended for any particular use, unfit for human consumption, even occasional use may result in extended purgatory. no reasonable parent would allow *any* child to wear these shoes - dancing or not. artist not liable for any damages.
one pair children's size shoes. one picture and two St. Christopher medals attached to each shoe.
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very beautiful, ancient litho image of Jesus, scanned and installed in my old (nonfunctional) Palm Pilot Personal. as i remember it, this model came out shortly after a French pen company took 3Com (the manufacturer) to court over the Co-Pilot name (apparently they believed the French people stupid enough to confuse a writing instrument and a personal information manager) forever making them known as Palm Pilots, instead of Co-Pilots.
check out the Palm Graveyard where this little beauty was headed a few years ago, after i dropped it on the sidewalk in front of my house.
my old Palm Pilot Personal, manufactured by the good people of Malaysia.
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ink and PrismaColors on white paper mounted on stiff cardboard. dimensions are 2 1/2" x 4 3/8".
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maybe Pooh isn't hanging up his clothes, and the aliens have come to remind him of the importance of using hangars.
is this 100 Aker Wood West? is this Pooh's home or Owl's? you tell me! this tree reminds me of a massive, hundred-year old Oak in my yard... lost in a storm several years ago.
ink drawing (custom antique inks) with watercolor washes. dimensions are nominal 5.5" x 9.5"
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while perusing an old book about past surfer-gods i saw a surfer sitting on the beach. his board was directly behind him, suggesting an inexperienced photographer took the shot. you know the old axiom: make sure you don't have trees, telephone poles and such "growing" out of your subjects heads - unless you want that effect.
to me the board made the picture look like the Pope was vacationing on a sunny shore somewhere. since the movie title "Pope of Greenwich Village" came to mind first, i simple moved him to a Northeastern Seaboard community instead of Hawaii, Peru or someplace more likely.
acrylic on canvas board. dimensions are 8" x 10"
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the earrings are displayed next to syringe (for scale only - syringe not included) and on a feather to illustrate the two extreme value (light/dark) contrasts.
custom pumpkin earrings. these are hand-sculptured from a certified nontoxic (ASTM D 4236) material.
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why is this luscher guy so angry with God?
is he upset with the whole family - mother, father and son?
is he haunted by the Holy Ghost?
has he turned in his collar? burned his bible?
is baby Jesus spinning in his grave?
maybe God put him up to this!?
angry nut or disillusioned artist? you decide!
what you are bidding on: skeleton on crucifix with crow above, looking down. crucifix is 10" tall. can be hung, or otherwise displayed, to scare the devil out of you and your family!
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the dream-like imagery reminds me of Mona Lisa, but the only explanation is the positioning of the hands. the Red Sweater takes center stage and other figurative elements (face, hands, etc) fade into the surrounding inky blackness. the folds are rich enough for the viewer to get lost in...
since i can't seem to get one high quality glare-free photo i'm posting three mediocre pictures instead.
semi-hard pastel drawing on black drawing paper. dimensions are 18" x 24"
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