teeth played an important part in the ancient world's belief systems and ceremonies, possibly because they last longer than other body parts - thanks to their hard enamel coating. representative teeth were crafted, in the americas, out of a variety of stone materials. human teeth were important in a special way - just as human life was different than animal, so human teeth had special significance of their own. this beautiful necklass will win the admiration of your Goth buds, or it can be the perfect gift for the dentist who has everything!
five hand-sculptured, ACMI certified nontoxic (ASTM D 4236), human tooth forms
and six beads on brown cord.
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the first part of my life was spent learning how to destroy - silently and quickly. following destruction of private property while in the Boy Scouts, including a primer in grafitti, the U.S. Army Infantry took my malevolent expressions to a whole new level with their training, explosives and firepower. after my tour in the military i began to devote myself to (slightly) more spiritual pursuits and the exploration of altered states, including lucid dreaming. as you can imagine, anger has been one of my long-standing, and most difficult, self-improvement projects.
over the last few years i've made tremendous progress with my anger. recently i've witnessed a few angry people "in action" and was appalled. was that how i had looked and acted? feeling deeply shamed by these experiences i sketched this composition and recently committed it to canvas.
acrylic on stretched canvas, dimensions are 20" x 16"
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anyone who owns a Parrotlett will understand this image without too much explanation. for such a tiny bird they have a lot of moxie! they have been known to attack birds much larger than they themselves are, probably operating under the illusion that their size is in keeping with their courage (foolishness?). were Parrotletts at the heart of the Birdman Cult? did they cause the downfall of the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) civilization? probably not, but i'm sure they'd like to take credit. this drawing seems to capture their general impression of the island and a hopelessly inflated sense of self-importance.
Dona's bird Chip! (yes, the exclamation point is part of his name) was chirping hard one day, and unable to block it out any longer i sketched this. whenever he watches me drawing i have to show him whatever i've drawn, and he was VERY impressed with this. once before i'd sketched him (he was obviously modeling, aware of my drawing activities and attention on him) and got the proportions to his liking... it was kind of an Eagle with the colors of a Parrotlett. supremely happy with my having captured him so accurately, he looked at it for a long time over the following week (after i mounted it next to his cage). his approval of this drawing was on par with that.
ink, color art markers, sanguine and blanc conte, and watercolor on buff
drawing paper. 6" x 8"
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"my body is an empty envelope identified by the signature of my consciousness." the verse written around the skull came to me one day as i crossed the street to the U. in a profoundly altered state of consciousness as i walked, my body was buffeted by a strong wind and the words drifted through my mind like pictures floating gently on the breeze.
my mother died when i was a teen. already well versed in Judeao-Christian traditions, i soon discovered Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and her work on life after death. since then my interest has only increased concerning what it is that we are truly composed of - what is it that makes you YOU? while this seems to be a purely philosophic question, no individual or organized religion has answered it to my personal satisfaction.
this is a wonderful, if dark, work with a shadowy feeling to it. the mysterious gold lettering on the skull (the three symbols) are 18 Kt. gold leafing. the brown paper is a fragment recycled from a paper birdseed sack but the back is free of printing - possibly an important detail for a future owner.
black charcoal, Conte crayons, soft oil pastel, and 18 Kt. gold leafing
on wrinkled brown wrapping paper. 11" x 14"
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my anger towards companies who operate as if they were above the law is probably like yours. how can these organizations act without any conscience? do they understand they are hurting people? our planet? where are their children going to live? what will their children eat? their grandchildren? great strategic planning, jerks!
the lettering was done in a legible "crazy-person" brush hand complementing the humor.
acrylic on stretched canvas, dimensions are 20" x 16"
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we all expect aliens to hand over free energy, an end to world hunger, cures for all disease, a diet that includes pork fat... but what if they, as aliens, value a tidy closet above all else? maybe that's what all those triangle craft sightings are about.
these are a *lot* like the H.G. Wells craft in "War of the Worlds" - maybe he knew something the world governments don't want us to know!
acrylic on canvas, dimensions are 16" x 20"
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long before the grand opening i was prowling around the new Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin. from across the lake i sketched the buildings and grounds. i found the sketches the other day, and looked at some reference photos i had taken. the grand opening was fun, but i loved it when it was deserted. Dawn even has a memorial brick on the roof!
the photo does little justice to the picture - bid with confidence.
check it out: mononaterrace.com
what you are bidding on: acrylic on canvas, dimensions are 20" x 16"
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Conte on paper, dimensions are 18" x 24"
sold to a collector in Turkey - the farthest yet!
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Kittens entering the final frontier... what else did you expect? can we count on fuzzy, playful, hungry, sleepy little kittens to defend our claims in space, or will we have to send full-grown cats?
years ago, while Dawn was still alive, i sketched our cats; Bear and his little
sister Sheba. many times i sketched them doing various things, like zipping
around in a spacesuit. today i ran across some of those old sketches. naturally
i wondered what they might look like as tiny kittens. here are two - what do you think?
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black ink drawing, dimensions are 4" x 5.25" | acrylic on stretched canvas, dimensions are 5" x 7" |
after doing some sketches i decided to sculpt a little 'kitten in space', with the gold portion of his face shield permanently up, his cute little tan face is hard to see in the photos but not in person. his body is shown perched upon a handsome spaceship-based stand, but this cute little Cosmonaut can easily be removed.
this is hand-sculptured form a certified nontoxic (ASTM D 4236) material.
overall height is 3" mounted on stand, the Kitten itself is 1.5" high.
a hand painted US flag and 'NASA' badges complete this little guys space suit.
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